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Current Purchases As Of

Qualifying Purchases

Explore each Premier Edge level to see what you can do to level up.

Important! 2025 criteria have changed. View details >

Want help on leveling up or maintaining your status? Schedule a consult >

You’re at this level when you join the VSP network. Explore each Premier Edge level to see what you can do to level up by clicking on the Silver, Gold, and Platinum buttons above.

Important! 2025 criteria have changed. View details >

Want help on leveling up or maintaining your status? Schedule a consult >


Important! 2025 criteria have changed. View details >

Want help on leveling up or maintaining your status? Schedule a consult >


Important! 2025 criteria have changed. View details >

Want help on leveling up or maintaining your status? Schedule a consult >



My Current Spend
My Goal
My Frames Spending Needs


My Current Spend
My Goal
My Lens Spending Needs


My Goal
My Flex Spending  Needs


My Current Spend
My Goal
My Total Spending Needs

Total Premier Edge Purchases

Frame Purchases

Jul 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022: Total Value $3,230

Lens Purchases

Jul 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022: Total Value $3,230
Beginning January 1, 2025, lens purchase requirements and lens savings will be removed from Premier Edge. Find more information about the New Unity Rewards Program here.